Phone (419) 784-5136 | Address: 1933 E 2nd Street Defiance, Ohio 43512

Do you need help keeping your home warm this year?  The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and the Winter Crisis Program runs 11/1/24 through 3/31/25.

Eligible households may receive a one-time payment towards:

*Utility service that is currently off or in a disconnect status.
*A payment to establish new service.
*Bulk fuel delivery (propane, fuel oil, wood, coal).
*A onetime payment to assist with electric or natural gas utility bill ($175-$750 based on regulations)
*Up to $1500 for furnace repairs.

Each household member will need to bring proof of income for the last 30 days; birthdates and social security numbers; proof of citizenship or legal residency; and proof of disability (if applicable).  When scheduling your appointment, you will need the most recent utility bills regardless of the account status.

Please note that utility companies will only allow one hold for disconnection notices and it cannot be extended.  A “no-show” to your scheduled appointment may result in your utilities being shut off.


Schedule Appointments Online or call our 24-hour appointment hotline at 1-419-219-4641.