Phone (419) 784-5136 | Address: 1933 E 2nd Street Defiance, Ohio 43512

2025 Dates

Mark Your Calendars!!

The Richland Place/PATH Center, at 1939 E. Second Street in Defiance, will be distributing USDA food commodities on these dates in 2025.  Individuals and families that meet income eligibility residing in Defiance, Tinora or Ayersville school districts can receive commodities.  Drive-up distribution will take place at the PATH Center from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm.  Questions?  Call us at (419) 782-6962.

March 5th
April 9th
May 7th
June 4th
July 2nd
August 6th
September 10th
October 8th
November 5th
December 3rd