Phone (419) 784-5136 | Address: 1933 E 2nd Street Defiance, Ohio 43512

NOCAC Free Tax program

Important Notice: Discontinuation of Free Tax Services

NOCAC has been proud to offer free tax services to our community for many years. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to provide this service at this time.

We understand this may be a disappointment for those who have relied on this program in the past. While the program is currently discontinued, we are actively exploring potential funding opportunities and resources to reinstate it in the future.

As you seek alternative tax preparation options, we encourage you to carefully evaluate your choices and avoid agencies that charge excessive fees or use predatory practices.

Here are a few tips to help you find safe and affordable tax preparation services:

  • Look for IRS-certified Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) programs or Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE), which often offer free or low-cost services.
  • Consider using the IRS Free File program, available at, for online tax filing.
  • Research reviews and fees for any tax preparation service before committing.

We sincerely thank you for your trust and support of this program over the years.

Contractors Needed

Northwestern Ohio Community Action Commission (NOCAC) is seeking the following contractors:

  • Heating Contractors to replace/repair heating units and water heaters, install duct work, plumbing, etc..
  • Electrical Contractors to perform electrical work when needed such as rewires, installation of exhaust equipment, etc..
  • Roofing Contractors to replace or repair roofs when needed.
  • General Contractors to install ramps, perform minor floor repairs, remove/replace windows, bathroom modifications.

All work will be completed through the Home Weatherization Assistance Program.  Contracts will be based on our program year that will run from 7/1/2024-6/30/2025.   Services will be provided in the six county area of which NOCAC provides services to  includes: Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, Van Wert and Williams counties.  If interested in receiving further information, please contact the Housing & Energy Director; Kelly Feeney at (Must be insured, have HVAC Licensed, EPA LEAD Certification and/or willing to attend EPA LEAD training required for our agency)

2024 – 2025 Winter Crisis Program

Do you need help keeping your home warm this year?  The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and the Winter Crisis Program runs 11/1/24 through 3/31/25.

Eligible households may receive a one-time payment towards:

*Utility service that is currently off or in a disconnect status.
*A payment to establish new service.
*Bulk fuel delivery (propane, fuel oil, wood, coal).
*A onetime payment to assist with electric or natural gas utility bill ($175-$750 based on regulations)
*Up to $1500 for furnace repairs.

Each household member will need to bring proof of income for the last 30 days; birthdates and social security numbers; proof of citizenship or legal residency; and proof of disability (if applicable).  When scheduling your appointment, you will need the most recent utility bills regardless of the account status.

Please note that utility companies will only allow one hold for disconnection notices and it cannot be extended.  A “no-show” to your scheduled appointment may result in your utilities being shut off.


Schedule Appointments Online or call our 24-hour appointment hotline at 1-419-219-4641.

PATH Center Services

NOCAC’s PATH Center is a soup kitchen/drop-in center that focuses on serving homeless persons, those with mental disabilities, or those who have food or nutritional needs – but all are welcome!  A hot nutritious meal is served each weekday between 12:00 and 1:00 pm.  Clients living within the Defiance city limits can get a ride to lunch but need to call by 10:00 am.

Our soup kitchen can always put donations to a good use. We are currently in need of new (or gently used) towels and canned goods that open with a pull-tab. Frequently needed items include: milk, eggs, cheese, spices, coffee, napkins, paper products, small bingo prizes and cleaning products. If you can help, please contact us at 419-782-6962.

And remember – please stop in at 1939 E. Second Street in Defiance to join us for a morning cup of coffee, a good lunch or just to enjoy the fellowship!  We can’t wait to see you!!